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Short Put Condor

	The Short Put Condor is identical to the Short Call Condor except that it uses puts
	instead of calls. It is the opposite of a Long Put Condor, which is a rangebound strat-
	egy. Short condors arent particularly popular because even though they produce a
	net credit, they offer very small returns compared to straddles and strangles with
	only slightly less risk.
	  The Short Put Condor involves a low strike short put, a lower middle OTM long
	put, a higher middle ITM long put, and a higher ITM short put. The resulting posi-
	tion is profitable in the event of a big move by the stock. Again, the problem is that
	the reward is seriously capped and is typically dwarfed by the potential risk if the
	stock fails to move.
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