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Visually Analyze Option Strategies
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Custom Screeners

Custom screeners are for those users who need more control on the screening. You may choose from a wide range of filters to suit your need. You can also customize your screened results by choosing appropriate fields.

Firstly you will need to login to the system. If you dont have a userId, create one. Once you have logged into the system. click on the "Custom Strategy Screener" link on the left navigation to get started. This link will take you to the screen which displays your current list of screeners. If you haven't created one before, this screen will be empty. You can Add/Delete/Edit any existing screener from this screen.

Click on the "Add New Screener" button to add a new custom screener.

Clicking on this button will take you to another screen where you will give a name for your screener and also select a strategy. Now click next button to add filters and modify your display configuration.

To add a new filter select a filter from the drop down and click the add button. This will take you to the screen where you can configure that filter. Each filter has its own configuration screen which is tailor made for its functionality.

Once you have done configuring the filters you may configure your display columns. Every strategy come with a default set of columns.

Once you have done with screener configuration click on the save button to save the screener.

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